Reports and White Papers

Snapshot of an article discussing the science behind Interplay's online skilled trades training
ReportsWhite Papers

Exposing the Science Behind Interplay Learning’s Training Methodology

Exposing the Science ...
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Interplay learning emplyoee smiling and waving at camera
ReportsWhite Papers

Winning the Talent War: Give Techs Time and Real-Life Scenarios to Train Themselves

Hiring and retention represent a huge challenge for multi-family property managers and the odds are the situation is going to get worse. The solution: time ...
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A Group of People in a Technical College Training Course

Creating a Future Blueprint for Technical College Training

When it comes to the skilled trades and technical colleges, there is a long list of challenges. Read more about combating the issues you may ...
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Team of maintenance professionals posing for camera
ReportsWhite Papers

Five Tips to Lead Your Multi-family Team

Multi-family trailblazer, Jeff Hazel, shares 5 inspiring lessons he's learned throughout his multi-family maintenance career to help you lead your team.
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student using VR to learn about household plumbing

The Future of Plumbing Training

At a time when the majority of the U.S. workforce has gone remote, how has it impacted the plumbing sector, training and how we approach ...
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Reimagining Training for the Next Generation of Skilled Workers

Reimagining Training for the Next Generation of Skilled Workers

The US continues to face a critical labor shortage of essential workers. Comersive Learning is bridging the gap by building the next generation of skilled ...
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Skilled Trades in Review: What We’ve Learned from 2020 and What to Expect in 2021

Skilled Trades in Review: What We’ve Learned from 2020 and What to Expect in 2021

2020 was a challenging year in so many ways, but how has it impacted the skilled trades? What can we learn from 2020 and what ...
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How are Skilled Trades Apprenticeships Embracing EdTech?

How are Skilled Trades Apprenticeships Embracing EdTech?

The US has a long and proud history of skilled trades apprenticeship training and now EdTech is helping to enhance how we prepare the new ...
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How EdTech is Transforming in Response to COVID-19

How EdTech is Transforming in Response to COVID-19

The skilled trades need a new training model that is fast, affordable, easily accessible and prepares people for the jobs that are in demand today.
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