We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.


Workforce skills simulations training; anytime, anywhere

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We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.

Skills Assessment

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What Is the Interplay Learning Skills Assessment?

The Interplay Learning Skills Assessment is a service offered to businesses allowing them to assess their teams’ skills and abilities. The results give you an objective sense of your worker’s starting point so you can come up with a better, more effective training path.


A man with dreadlocks holding a tablet and taking a skills assessment for skilled trades training

Does this sound familiar?

  • The resumes you’re seeing aren’t telling the full story
  • You’re getting a false sense of understanding of what your techs can do because the same, common service problems arise
  • You don’t have an objective way to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of your mid-level employees to deliver more advanced training
  • Callbacks and bad reviews are the way you’re discovering that you sent the wrong techs on the job

With the Interplay Learning Skills Assessment, we offer a much brighter spotlight on the skills gaps in your team.


There are currently seven assessments available to businesses:

HVAC, Commercial HVAC, Multi-family Maintenance, Electrical, Plumbing, Solar, and Facilities Maintenance. All assessments consist of 30 questions and typically take about 45 minutes to complete.

Team members are assessed on the main competencies listed below:

HVAC Competencies
    1. Electrical Meter Use

    2. Converting Pressures to Temperatures

    3. Evaluating Refrigerant Charge
    4. Verifying Proper Airflow for AC
    5. Measuring Input
    6. Verifying Proper Airflow for Heat
    7. Vent Inspection and Verification
    8. Sequence of Operations
    9. Wiring Diagram Comprehension
    10. Combustion Efficiency and Safety
Commercial HVAC Competencies
    1. Basic Electrical Safety
    2. Basic Wiring Diagram Comprehension
    3. Control Systems
    4. Electrical Diagrams
    5. Electronic HVAC System Components
    6. General Safety
    7. HVAC Motors
    8. HVAC System Component Identification
    9. HVAC System Measurements
    10. Managing Airflow
    11. Refrigerant Calculations
    12. Refrigerant Handling
    13. Residential HVAC System Installation
    14. Residential Refrigerant System Components
    15. Residential Refrigerant System Diagnosis
    16. Sequence of Operations
    17. Water Supply & Distribution Systems
Multi-Family Competencies
    1. Electrical Meter Use
    2. Measuring Input (Gas Appliances) (HVAC 1)
    3. Verifying Proper Airflow (HVAC 2)
    4. Evaluating Refrigerant Charge (HVAC 3)
    5. Safe Electrical Work Practices (Electrical 1)
    6. Wiring Fundamentals (Electrical 2)
    7. Electrical Organization (Electrical 3)
    8. Safe Practices in Plumbing (Plumbing 1)
    9. Pipe Joining and Installation (Plumbing 2)
    10. Fixture Installation (Plumbing 3)
Electrical Competencies
    1. General Safety
    2. Safety for Electricians

    3. Basic Electrical Safety

    4. Generic Hand Tools

    5. Basic Electrical Theory

    6. Service Entrance Equipment

    7. Electrical Diagrams

    8. Applying NEC

    9. Understanding Electrical Components and Fixtures

    10. Electrical Protection Devices

    11. Installing Raceways and Conduit

    12. Wiring Installation

    13. Electrical Fixture Installation and Maintenance

    14. Understanding Circuits

Plumbing Competencies
    1. General Safety

    2. Basic Electrical Safety

    3. Safe Practices in Plumbing

    4. General Hand Tools

    5. Plumbing Tools and Equipment

    6. Basic Math Skills
    7. Basic Measurements and Units
    8. Math for Plumbing
    9. Water Supply and Distribution Systems
    10. Understanding Plumbing Code
    11. Plumbing Fixtures
    12. Sanitary Drainage Systems
    13. Water Heaters
    14. Electrical Meter Use
Facilities Maintenance Competencies
    1. Electrical Meter Use
    2. Combustion Efficiency and Safety
    3. Residential Heating Components
    4. Managing Airflow
    5. Ducting
    6. Residential Refrigerant System Components
    7. Refrigerant Calculations
    8. General Safety
    9. Basic Electrical Safety
    10. Applying NEC
    11. Wiring Installation
    12. Electrical Protection Devices
    13. Understanding Plumbing Code
    14. Safe Practices in Plumbing
    15. Water Supply and Distribution Systems
    16. Sanitary Drainage Systems
    17. Plumbing Fixtures
Solar Competencies
    1. Basic Electrical Theory

    2. Advanced Electrical Theory

    3. Applying the NEC

    4. Wiring Installation

    5. Solar Array Assembly (Residential)

    6. Electrical Commissioning

    7. Service Entrance Equipment

    8. Electrical Protection Devices

    9. Electrical Components and Fixtures

    10. Electrical Tool Usage

    11. Solar System Components & Operation

    12. Service Entrance Equipment

    13. Mount Modules

    14. Electrical Meter Use

    15. Mechanical Commissioning

    16. Site Assessment

    17. Solar Cell Technologies

    18. Electrical Fixture Installation and Maintenance

    19. DC-AC Inverter Technologies

    20. Solar Module Design

    21. Troubleshooting Electrical System

    22. Current-Voltage (I-V) & Power Curves

Once the test is completed, our automated system instantly scores the assessment and delivers a report to you for each team member.


Based on the test results, you’ll know which competencies they need to work on, and receive SkillMill™ course recommendations to help them improve in those competencies.

Sample Report

A Screenshot of the Hvac Welcome Assessment Screen for Interplay Learning