We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.


Workforce skills simulations training; anytime, anywhere

Launch a job-ready certificate program for building trades

We’ll be at Apartmentalize, 2024 in Philadelphia. June 19-21, 2024. Schedule a Time to Meet us.

Calculate Your Training ROI

Use this ROI calculator to estimate your company’s potential return with Interplay’s award-winning technical training platform, SkillMill. Estimate the ROI of reducing employee turnover, callbacks, training costs, and ramp time.

To get started, complete the general inputs below or talk to one of our experts.

How to Fill Out the ROI Calculator Like a Pro

Need more help? Read this walkthrough.


Tailor the Results

We’ve pre-populated answers for you based on our expertise, but please adjust these to customize the results.


Year 1 and Year 2

Many customers experience continued savings in the second year. You have the option to adjust your numbers for year 2.


Training Costs

You may pay additional training expenses such as travel for your technicians. Be sure to add these costs.

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ROI Calculator

General Inputs

Company Specific

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Get the eBook:

Boosting Your Bottom Line: Maximizing Training ROI

In this ebook, we explain why training ROI is essential for companies, discuss costs associated with inadequate training, suggest ways to track training ROI for your program and share inspiring examples of companies like yours that have achieved impressive business outcomes by investing in Interplay.

A man sitting at a desk with a laptop using the Interplay Learning App
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Transform Your Organization

Quality technical training is a crucial investment for skilled trades businesses. From onboarding and compliance to upskilling and cross-training, a well-designed training program can streamline your operations, boost profits and help your company achieve overall success.


Build Your Business Case​

If you need help maximizing your training investment or creating a business case for your company, we’re happy to help.