Leading Rental Home Provider Retains 80% of Apprentices, 88% of Level 1 Technicians

A leading provider of single-family rental homes in the US recognized that 75% of its maintenance team consisted of aging, advanced-level technicians, and wanted to proactively get ahead of the industry’s growing talent shortage. Partnering with Interplay, they structured a training program to develop apprentices and distribute skills more evenly among the maintenance workforce.

In this case study, discover how The COmpany:

  • Gained 80% training adoption in the first 40 days of implementing Interplay.
  • Attained 90-120 days average ramp time for apprentices to become profitable technicians.
  • Promoted 27 apprentices to Tech Level 1 in 2023, increasing workforce by 10%.
  • Achieved 80% retention of apprentices and 88% of Level 1 technicians in 2023.
A Case Study on a Rental Home Provider Apprentice Retention Rates

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